In establishing Shara Tours and Travels we have interwoven our extensive know-how and comprehensive experience to create a consultancy that has personally recruited many hundreds of Managerial, Technical, Medical, and Paramedical, high, semi-skilled and unskilled workmen for clients. We are dedicated to the pursuit of utmost quality in these high calibers of recruitment. We have extensive practical experience in compiling and evaluating job specifications, target advertising, interviewing and selection for recruitment with terms and conditions of employment. We assure you complete confidence and integrity to your organization while significantly saving your senior management time, ensuring conscientious and effective service.

This lush green sunny state in the south west part of the Indian peninsula is cent per cent literate. Blessed by nature’s bounty, the people are healthy, hearty and intelligent. It is a goldmine of quality man power, skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled. Being introduced to English education centuries ago and having a tradition of migration, the people are accommodative as well as reliable

Shara Tours & Travels

Overseas Manpower Cosultants
Approved by Govt. of India, Ministry of External Affairs

Ph: +91 0471 2475158
Mob: +91 9846188229
email: sharatravels@asianetindia.com